Sunset to Sunrise Challenge 17th November 2018

Looking back on the achievement, 46.7 miles and 4th place in this distance was pleasing considering only one participant managed to run an additional lap to complete 56.04 miles. The other 75 runners opted for shorter distances but I wanted to see the sunrise so continued to jog/walk for 14 hours. This was a good experience particularly as I'm only just recovering from a foot injury and considering the general state of my body. The 9.34 mile loop appeared longer on the outward journey. Although the course was almost flat the tiniest incline became perceptible after a few laps i.e. there's an extended downward section on the way out and about 30 meters climbing an ascent of not more than 10 feet on the way back; no extra effort needed, just noticeable.

Link to race results

Link to the RoadRunner journal race report in press

Link to How Hard Can it Be events